Dillo News
5th Grade Trojan Takeoff
Anderson High School PALS invites 5th graders from all Anderson feeder schools to come see the campus and meet other kids you’ll attend high school with.
Austin Youth Fitness Running - Session 2
Austin Youth Fitness is excited to kick off SESSION 2 of Hill
Happening Now: Orpheus Contest
Orpheus Academy of Music 20th-Anniversary Poetry Contest. “Making Music with Friends” or “Making Music to Change the World.” Orpheus Academy of Music invites students ages 6–11 to submit poems about either making music with friends or making music to change the world.
This Wednesday: Walk to School Day
Come join Dash and your fellow Dillos as we celebrate National Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 12th! Students and families, meet at 7:10am at Hillcrest Baptist Church.
This Friday: Gifted and Talented Referral Window Closes
Hill Elementary will accept nominations for the Gifted a
Partners in Education (PIE)
Would you like to mentor a child at Hill? Austin Partne
Join Hill Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts prepare for fun, friendship, and new adventures while making the world a better place! Girl Scouts look at our world and take action to change it for the better.
Anderson Boys Fall Lacrosse
Register for Fall Ball with Anderson Trojans Boys Lacrosse! We are the feeder team for Anderson High School, and registration is open for K-12th!
Dillo Best Traffic Reminders
Parents and caregivers, please do your Dillo Best when driving during drop off and pick up. Here are a few reminders:
This Friday: 1:30 pm Early Dismissal
All AISD ELEMENTARY CAMPUSES will dismiss students at 1:30pm on Friday, October 7th. Dismissal procedures will look the same as they do on regular dismissal days. Enjoy your afternoon off Dillos!
Custodian and Principal Appreciation Week
We are excited to kick off our 2022-2023 Staff Appreciation Calendar by recognizing our OUTSTANDING CUSTODIANS and PRINCIPALS THIS WEEK, October 3rd-7th! Dillos, we invite you to bring in handmade cards and crafts to say “thank you!”