Boo for Flu!

Yay for Fall! Boo for Flu! As a gentle reminder, Flu season has arrived and has already shown its ugly face here at Hill. Please remind your kids to follow all precautions, as we did with COVID to help stop the spread and keep our students and staff safe. Handwashing, Flu vaccines, and masks are still the best way to prevent the spread. If your child has a fever of 99.9 or above, they must stay home and be free of fever for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. If Vomiting or Diarrhea, the same 24-hour rule without medication applies. If you are in doubt, please keep your child at home and encourage fluids and rest, until the symptoms subside. – Alexis Pickard, RN, BSN. 512-414-2369, Ext # 53710.
