An Update from Principal Drummond 3/26/23

Dear Hill Community, 

This is an information-filled letter this week with many event reminders. Please read carefully, including the reminder at the end that there is no school this Friday!

It is Hill Heritage and International Reading Week! We appreciate all of our families who have volunteered to support reading in the classrooms in multiple languages, as well as our Hill Heritage Parade on Thursday. The Heritage Parade will be held Thursday, March 30th, right after morning assembly. Students may dress up in cultural attire and/or wave flags during the parade. Participation is optional but encouraged. We would love to see our Dillos participate! For more info and to sign up,  please register here by tomorrow, Monday March 27th.

The Hill Country Carnival is this Friday! We are thrilled to spend the evening of Friday, March 31st with everyone! Incredible games, spectacular music by Rising Ivy, delicious food truck fare, our famous Haunted House, and MORE await you! If you bought your wristbands last Fall and need to pick them up, we’ll be at the front of the school this week to give them to you. If you still need to buy your wristbands, the link has been a bit temperamental so we have a new link for you!

  1. Buy your WRISTBANDS at

  2. SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER for your class booth(s) at

  3. 5th GRADE PARENTS & STUDENTS remember to sign up for your Haunted House shift! The link is in your email inbox from Ms. Bayer and on our grade-level FB page.

  4. EMAIL Kelly Tarun and Theresa Ellington at with any questions!

Our annual class group pictures are this Wednesday for each class. You can click here for online ordering information

23-24 Safety Patrol: On March 24th, Mrs. Martinez visited 4th-grade classrooms to recruit new safety patrol leaders for next year. If your child is interested, please fill out the form given to students, and return by April 6th. Your student must also attach a two-paragraph essay about why they wish to serve as Safety Patrol. Ms. Martinez will meet with the students who have returned their forms and essays on Thursday, April 13th, to review expectations and safety rules. Students will begin training on Monday, April 24th, during morning and afternoon safety patrol duty. Because our STAAR schedule is different this year, I will give students specific training days on April 13th to share with the parents. Please email if you have any questions. Thank you.

Family Surveys are now open: Our district values your feedback! We are currently surveying Austin ISD families in order to gain insight into your perception of our school and district effectiveness. To ensure we continue to provide high-quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback. We want to know what you think. To administer these surveys, we have partnered with Panorama Education to conduct our 2022 Family Survey. Panorama safeguards your privacy, keeping your responses confidential. The survey shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete and will be a valuable source of information for us as we work to make our schools and district as good as they can be. You may complete the survey online between March 21, 2022 and April 8, 2022 using a computer, tablet, or smartphone by visiting the website The link will not allow you to complete the survey yet until March 20th. We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact our survey coordinator at

The LASA Velocity Dance Team is holding a clinic on Saturday, April 1st your student can take part in. Click here for more details.

There is no school this Friday as we observe the Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta Day of Service in AISD. We recognize their important contributions to our country and hope your family can use the day to support the local community in their honor. Have an excellent week!

Principal Drummond