
Mrs. Pustka

Mrs. Pustka has worked in A.I.S.D. for 27 years – first as a kindergarten teacher (8 years) and now as a librarian (19 years.)  This is her twelfth year at Hill school, and she loves being a Dillo! 

She is married to Mark, who is a commercial realtor, and has 3 lively sons that keep her entertained, and very, very busy!  

She enjoys reading, gardening, hiking and sewing. Mrs. Pustka is
a proud supporter of Texas A&M University where she went to college - Gig’em!

Mrs. Banda

Mrs. Banda was a third-grade bilingual teacher before joining the Hill family. She has worked in the library for 5 years and has loved every minute.

She and her husband, Daniel, have two children. Madelynn is a junior at Anderson High School, and Logan is a 5th grader at Hill School. They have a very active Jack Russell Terrier named Petee that keeps them on their toes!

(512) 841-8036