Family Connection Challenge

Here at Hill, we encourage all families to set aside connection time with their child. Research shows that the more quality time parents spend with their child, the more likely their child will succeed in school and become well-adjusted adults. Challenge yourself to do one of the activities with your child from our list below!

Draw a 1st day of school portrait

Add as many details as you can:

  • what did you wear?
  • what hairstyle did you have?
  • what were you feeling?

Make salt dough

Follow the recipe, then see how many sculptures you can create. Can you make a ball? Or a snake? (Recipe: 1 cup salt, 2 cups flour, 3/4 cup water)

Learn your info

Set a good to learn your phone number this month! Practice every day until you have it memorized. Already know your phone number? Practice your address.

Write a letter

Write a happy note to someone you care about. Tell them about some of your favorite things. Don't forget to ask them to write you back!

Apple prints

Cut an apple in half, dip the cut side in paint (or ink pad) and press down onto paper. Make a card, decorate a lunch bag or just create some apple art to hang on the wall.

Magic Bottle

Fill a plastic water bottle with water + one squirt of liquid soap. Drop in anything you want; flitter, beads, marbles or small toys. Put the lid on and shake up!

Play the Balloon Game

Blow up a balloon, then try to keep it in the air as long as possible. For a challenge, hit it with body. parts other than your hands; feet, elbows, even your nose!

Stack'em cups

Starting with 4 on the bottom, stack 10 plastic cups in a pyramid. How fast can you stack? How fat can you unstack them?

Draw with chalk

Make pictures on the sidewalk or driveway! Draw a 10-square hopscotch board and practice counting while you play.

Listen to an audio book together

Check one out from you library or visit a free site online.