Caregiver Wellness

Monthly theme: Am I enough?

As a caregiver, this question seems to be ever present in our minds. Balancing work and family is challenging and at times can seem impossible. Sometimes it’s hard to feel like we are succeeding at any one thing. If we devote ourselves to work, our family suffers, and if we focus on our family, our livelihood is at risk. How we feel about ourselves can seriously impact our wellness. When this question plagues us, it tends to increase our stress level. And we may constantly feel the need to be someone that we are not. This self-doubt and guilt can be crippling.

Caregiver Tips:

  • Be honest and open with your child about your responsibilities
  • Set aside days and times to spend quality time with your child
  • Allow yourself to be fully present during quality time and limit distractions

Caregiver challenge:

You are not alone! Here is an activity to try: "Stop that stinking thinking!" Stop questioning who you are! Stop trying to prove to the world that you are enough. Guess what!? YOU ARE! Know your value! You are the only person in the whole wide world that is perfectly you. That is more than enough! Allow yourself to let go of the doubt and fear. You are doing the best you can!