Recommended Strategies to Prevent COVID-19

Wash your hands; Wear a mask; Keep your distance; Self Screen

Positive Covid Case

Individuals who test positive for Covid are required to quarantine for 10 days. Children in the same homeroom may be required to quarantine for 10-14 days depending on the contact tracing and direct contacts. We will do contract tracing to identify additional people who need to quarantine outside of the homeroom if applicable. We will report all positive cases via a letter to the community, similar to last year. In the case of an entire class quarantine, the class will learn virtually with their teacher as the instructor. A negative PCR test will not end a 10-14 day quarantine for an individual who has had a close contact. They will complete the entire quarantine.

Sick Individuals

If you or your child are feeling sick, regardless of whether you’re vaccinated or not, please stay home and contact your physician and campus as soon as possible. Anyone who is sick will need to isolate for 10 days. Those who show symptoms can return early if they receive a doctor’s note stating an alternate diagnosis or receive a negative result from a PCR test. Rapid antigen testing will still be available in campus health rooms at the start of the school year. Call our health room 512-414-4269 to get information on testing. More information will be available here on the learning model for quarantining students once it is published.


Anyone who is unvaccinated and has had direct contact (within 3 feet of an individual for 15 minutes or more total in a day) with someone that has tested positive will be required to quarantine for 10-14 days. A negative PCR test or doctor’s note will not change this. Vaccinated individuals who are symptom-free will not need to quarantine if they come in close contact with someone who tests positive. More information will be available here on the learning model for quarantining students once it is published.

Covid-19 Commonly Asked Questions and Answers

Please notify our school nurse and Principal .
Please notify our school nurse and Principal

In every positive case, close contact case, or symptomatic case, you will be alerted to your length of quarantine through a letter from our Health Services in AISD. Here are the guidelines:

  • Your Student is Confirmed Positive: Student will quarantine until 10 days have passed since receiving positive COVID-19 test results. Student should be fever free for 24 hours with improved symptoms.
  • Your Student had Close-Contact with a Confirmed Positive case: Student will be required to quarantine for 10 days from the last date of exposure. Student may be released from quarantine after completing 7 full days, if they get tested on or after day 5 and receive a negative test result from a rapid test or PCR test (please note rapid tests administered at school are reserved for our symptomatic students; you will have to seek a test on your own in this situation). Documentation of test results will need to be provided to the campus health room (
  • Your Student is Symptomatic with Symptoms of COVID-19: Student will quarantine for 10 days. Student may be released from quarantine with a negative PCR test and improved symptoms. Student may be released with an alternate diagnosis from a doctor.
A sibling only has to quarantine if their family member who is quarantining tests positive for COVID. One student quarantining due to a close-contact or being symptomatic does not automatically quarantine their sibling.
Teachers will provide asynchronous learning during the quarantine period of your student. This may look like our district Blueprint being pushed through BLEND, Seesaw activities, or other learning provided from what the class is covering. Teachers will check in through parents/guardians every few days to make sure students have what they need. If in doubt, email your teacher(s). Our teams are still seeing what will work well and what won’t. We appreciate your patience as this process becomes streamlined.

Student to Student

    • If both students are masked, direct contact would be less than 3 feet apart for 15 total minutes for more throughout the duration of a day.

      If students are unmasked, direct contact would be within 6 feet for 15 total minutes for more throughout the duration of a day.

    Adult to Adult or Adult to Student

      • If an adult is involved, direct contact would be within 6 feet for 15 total minutes for more throughout the duration of a day regardless of masking.

      Contact being outdoors or indoors does not change this; the same rules apply to both

      When there is a positive case on campus, we will always communicate that with our entire community in the timeliest manner possible. We will also notify by phone and email out guidance to the families of students who are having to quarantine. Both letters come from AISD Health Services, and we pass them on to you. We do not alert our community to specific grade-levels or classrooms where quarantines are taking place or other identifiers as a whole. If you ever have a question about your child’s classroom relating to quarantining, you can email Principal Drummond. We will be as transparent as possible in these situations while also respecting privacy. We also must respect the private and medical information of others in our community in conversations and on social media. Thank you for being responsible.